Pay As You Emit

Our 'Pay As You Emit' service provides a beneficial option for businesses aiming to offset their carbon footprint with every product or service transaction.

Companies helped
CO2e Tonnes Offset
Projects Invested In
Trees Planted
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Helping businesses become eco-friendly

Through our 'pay-as-you-emit' model, your business can effectively counter emissions associated with each product or service sale. In the contemporary shift towards an environmentally conscious mindset, it is crucial for businesses to demonstrate a sincere commitment to diminishing their carbon footprint, given the inherent emissions costs associated with conducting business.

For instance, according to a Green Logistics report, the average home delivery releases 181g of CO2 per drop-off, not factoring in the carbon footprint incurred during product manufacturing or delivery to your warehouse. By utilizing carbon offsets, businesses can mitigate this impact, reducing it to zero.

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Flexible Offsets

Our flexible offset service enables you to procure carbon credits as and when you need them on a per-transaction basis or aggregate your monthly carbon footprint for bulk purchases. Following each acquisition, a certification of the carbon offset is promptly dispatched within 48 hours. This certification can be prominently featured on your website or social media platforms, serving to underscore and communicate your proactive commitment to environmental responsibility to your clientele.

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